Biography - Jeremy J. Nelson

At a young age of 9, Jeremy first discovered his passion for photography. This realization came when snapping his first pictures from his grandmother's Polaroid camera which with only 10 shots per Polaroid pack had proven to not be enough to satisfy the desire to create imagery. It has now been a life's journey to explore the world through this medium.

After attending Brooks Institute of Photography, Jeremy set his sights on New York to embark on his journey as a photographer.

Since 2003, Jeremy has developed into his own and has already gained experience and respect in the photography field working alongside such names as Annie Leibovitz, Mark Seliger and Steven Klein, as well as other respected photographers.

Armed with passion, innovative talent and a drive for perfection, Jeremy's multi-faceted approach to photography give's him the innate ability to translate ideas into concrete imagery. With his camera always in hand he is looking to what new experiences the future holds.

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